Serving you fresh, organic food isn’t enough.
Green Truck believes that a healthy environment is essential to healthy living. Here are just a few ways Green Truck is helping make our planet a happier and healthier place for generations to come.
Runnin' on veggie. The vegetable oil we use in cooking our foods is used to power our food trucks the next day.
Sun power. Our commissary kitchen is solar-powered. And if it’s a really sunny day and we’ve generated more energy than we need, we give it back to the grid.
Say no to plastic and Styrofoam. All of our packaging and utensils are either recyclable or compostable. Your utensils are in fact made out of potato starch. (But no, they’re not edible.)
Speaking of compost. The packaging and utensils we compost are delivered back to the farms from which we source our ingredients. In turn, the compost is used to grow more food. It’s a circle of life sort of thing.
Green is the new black. Join the movement by using the hashtags #farmtotruck #organiceats and help us heal our planet one meal at a time.